The 5 Must-Have Traditional Items for a Bride on Her Wedding Day

When it comes to weddings, many brides follow traditions and customs that have been passed down from generation to generation. One such tradition is the belief that a bride must have five specific items with her on her wedding day to bring good luck and prosperity to her marriage. These items are commonly known as “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in your shoe.”

The origins of this tradition can be traced back to Victorian England, where it was believed that each of these items had a symbolic meaning. “Something old” represented the bride’s past and her connection to her family and heritage. “Something new” symbolized the couple’s future together and their hope for a happy life. “Something borrowed” was meant to bring good luck from someone who had a successful and happy marriage. “Something blue” was thought to represent fidelity and loyalty, while the sixpence in the bride’s shoe was meant to bring wealth and financial security to the couple.

While some brides may choose to follow this tradition to the letter, others may put their own spin on it. Some may incorporate their own personal items or family heirlooms into the mix, while others may choose to skip some of the items altogether. Regardless of how a bride chooses to interpret this tradition, it remains a beloved and time-honored part of many wedding ceremonies.

Something Old

According to tradition, the bride must have “something old” with her on her wedding day. This item symbolizes continuity and a connection to the bride’s past. It represents the bride’s roots and her family history.

There are various ways to incorporate “something old” into the wedding day. Some brides choose to wear a vintage piece of jewelry, such as a necklace or earrings, that belonged to a family member. Others may carry a handkerchief that has been passed down from generation to generation. Another popular option is to wear a piece of clothing, such as a veil or a garter, that has been in the family for years.

Whatever the item may be, “something old” is a way for the bride to honor her family and heritage on her special day. It adds a sentimental touch to the wedding and serves as a reminder of the love and support of those who came before her.

Something New

According to tradition, a bride must have something new on her wedding day. This item represents the new chapter in her life that she is about to embark on with her partner. This item can be anything from a new dress to new jewelry, shoes, or even a new perfume.

Many brides choose to wear a new dress on their wedding day to represent the new beginning they are about to experience. This dress is often a symbol of the love and commitment that the bride shares with her partner. The dress can be a traditional white gown, or it can be any color that the bride desires.

Other brides choose to wear new jewelry or shoes on their wedding day. These items can be a special piece that the bride has been eyeing for months, or they can be a gift from her partner. The new jewelry or shoes serve as a reminder of the love and commitment that the bride and her partner share.

Whatever the item may be, the tradition of having something new on her wedding day is a way for the bride to celebrate the start of her new life with her partner. It is a symbol of the love and commitment that they share and a reminder of the new journey that they are about to embark on together.

Something Borrowed

According to tradition, the bride must have something borrowed on her wedding day. This item is usually lent by a happily married woman, such as a friend or family member, and is meant to bring good luck to the bride. The borrowed item can be anything, from a piece of jewelry to a hair accessory to a veil.

While the tradition of borrowing something on the wedding day has been around for centuries, the meaning behind it has evolved over time. In the past, it was believed that borrowing something from a happily married woman would transfer her good luck onto the new bride. Today, the tradition is more about incorporating something sentimental and meaningful into the wedding day.

There are many ways to incorporate something borrowed into a wedding day. Some brides choose to wear a piece of jewelry or a hair accessory that has been passed down through generations in their family. Others borrow a veil or a shawl from a close friend or family member. Some couples even borrow a car or a special item to use as their getaway vehicle after the wedding.

Whatever the borrowed item may be, it serves as a reminder of the love and support that surrounds the bride on her special day. It is a way to honor the past while celebrating the future, and is a meaningful tradition that has stood the test of time.

Something Blue

According to tradition, a bride must have “something blue” on her wedding day as one of the five items that bring good luck. The color blue has been associated with weddings for centuries and symbolizes “fidelity and love’s purity.”

There are many ways for a bride to incorporate “something blue” into her wedding day outfit or accessories. One popular option is to wear blue shoes, which can be a subtle or bold statement depending on the shade of blue chosen. Another option is to wear a blue garter, which can be a fun and playful addition to the wedding day attire.

For brides who prefer a more understated approach, incorporating blue into the bouquet or jewelry can be a great option. A blue flower, such as a forget-me-not or blue hydrangea, can be added to the bouquet for a touch of blue. Blue jewelry, such as earrings or a necklace with a blue stone, can also be a beautiful addition to the wedding day look.

Finally, for brides who want to incorporate “something blue” into their wedding day in a unique way, there are many creative options available. For example, a bride could have her wedding date embroidered in blue thread on the inside of her dress or wear blue nail polish for a subtle touch of blue. Whatever the choice, “something blue” is a fun and meaningful way for a bride to honor tradition on her wedding day.


While there are many things a bride may want on her wedding day, tradition dictates that there are five things she needs to have for good luck: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in her shoe. This tradition has been passed down through generations and still holds significance for many brides today.

Having something old represents continuity and the bride’s connection to her family and past. Something new symbolizes optimism and hope for the future. Something borrowed is meant to bring good luck from a happily married friend or family member. Something blue represents fidelity, love, and purity. Finally, a sixpence in the bride’s shoe is said to bring wealth and financial security to the couple.

While some brides may choose to forego this tradition, many still incorporate it into their wedding day. It’s a fun way to honor the past, embrace the present, and look forward to the future. Whether it’s through a sentimental piece of jewelry or a blue garter, these five items can add a special touch to a bride’s wedding day.

Ultimately, the most important thing a bride needs on her wedding day is love and support from her partner, family, and friends. While tradition may provide guidance and structure, it’s the love and connection between the couple that truly makes the day special.

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